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Imperial Heights Resort Binsar, Almora


Situated 7 Kilometers north of the Almora town, adjacent to the main road, Imperial Heights boasts of eight Imperial rooms built after a blend of colonial and traditional Kumaoni architecture. These are built predominantly with mud, stone and pine-logs. In addition there are four rooms facing the vast Almora valley. The lights of the Almora town at night give a stunning impression of being face-to-face with the shimmering multi-colored galaxy.

There is a multi-cuisine restaurant with views to both sides of the ridge. Special care has been taken to preserve the flora and fauna of the complex. An elaborate collection of ethnic Kumaoni artifacts offers the inquisitive visitor a lot to contemplate about.

Architecture of Imperial Heights Resorts

The Imperial rooms have been fashioned after a blend of Kumaoni architecture, elementary natural colours and a multiplicity of ideas. The traditional roofs use slate for covering the structure. Kadappa stone has been used here instead. Natural fossil stone was brought from Madhya Pradesh to be used as flooring. Mud-based masonry has been employed to make walls with hand-finished natural stones. The ceiling has fixed 22 feet long logs. It is generally assumed that use of bright colours makes one extroverted. But in these rooms in contrast the use of muddy shades, unfinished wooden logs and dull light blend together to enhance one’s inner peace.

The idea of these Imperial rooms were not formulated by any professional architect. It emerged rather as a “Jugalbandi” of an artist and Kumaoni workmanship.

Imperial Heights Resort
Kasar Devi, Binsar Road, Almora, Uttaranchal
Phone : 08650269454
Land Phone - 05962-251009 / 251010
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