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Travelling within Dehradun

There are various options for the commuters to travel within DehraDun - Auto, Vikram, eRickshaw, Local Buses and the popular taxi service that is OLA.

Dehradun Bus and Vikram Service

Travelling in DehraDun by Bus

The local bus service is available throughout the city, travelling from one end of the city to the other. The buses are numbered to cover certain routes. The bus tickets are relatively cheaper, as compared to cost of travelling with OLA cabs.

Travelling in DehraDun by eRickshaw

The eRickshaws offer pollution free ride within the city. The rates of eRickshaws are negotiable and debatable, based on the mutual discussion between the commuter and riksha owner.

Travelling in DehraDun by Auto

Although there are prepaid auto stand at ISBT DehraDun and DehraDun Railway Station, most of the time the autos are hired within the city on mutual agreement. Due to this the rates of auto depends on the negotiation skills of the commuters.

Travelling in DehraDun by Vikram

Similar to the bus service, the vikram in DehraDun comply certain routes only. Although the bus and vikram service is available only during certain hours and not across the clock. However, from ISBT and Railway stations, the vikrams are available even during the odd hours, due to regular demand in these areas.

Travelling in DehraDun by OLA cabs

OLA cab service is very much available in DehraDun for the commuters. The service is available during limited hours and during the odd hours, travelling by auto is the only option. If available, OLA cabs offer the best deal due to the comfort for the price it offers.