Reply 2 : Misconception about DHAT SYNDROME:
Dhat syndrome better known as dhatu roga is one of the major complaints of patients coming to Ayurnidanam Clinic.According to most of them when they go to urinate they feel like something slimy & sticky passing along with urine especially in morning hours,Some patients feel it regularily once or several times in a day while others feel it occasionaly.Some even confuse it with night fall(nocturnal emission) or precum( dischage before intercourse)
In general public there is a misconception if somebody is having Dhatu problem,he won't be able to perform sexual activity properly after marriage &even worse he won't be able to be a father.It is totally incorrect ,a person suffering from dhatu roga can enjoy sexual life as others & it is nothing to do with his capabitility to be a father.
.Most of the time Dhat syndrome is due to:
1. Passing of proteins with urine
2. Constipation
4.After night fall
5.After sexual interco |