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Headquarters:C3 Nehru Colony,
Near Fountain Chowk,Dehradun,Uttarakhand India.

Call: 0135-267-2227, 9557122580

BH has been a pioneer in the provision of Reproductive Health care services in North India. This is one of the only programs that provides exclusive and high quality reproductive health care services in the region. These beneficiaries are from poor urban slums, and poor rural villages. In one sample study of our patients, we found 20% were religious minorities (Sikhs, Muslims, Buddhists or Christians) and 56% were Schedule cast/ schedule tribe or other backwards caste. The majority, 90%, of the beneficiaries, live below the poverty line. Through our community-focused and mobile approach, including out highly skilled and dedicated team, we have broken down the barriers to access within communities. The health care services we provide are supplemented with health education; this health education not only empowers women and their communities,, but sets them on a path to continuous health maintenance and improvement by encouraging them to prevent, and sustain positive health behaviors. The knowledge we impart stays in the villages and fosters a healthy life-course amongst beneficiaries, and their communities even when our programs are not there. While the underlying causes of these challenges are complex and systemic in nature, much can be done by providing health services and education at the primary and community care level. Focusing on reproductive health - there is a huge need to go back to basics and teach people about proper menstrual hygiene. Our program helps dismantle the misconceptions about reproductive health and teach in depth about such sensitive topics as family planning, delivery, personal hygiene, STI's/ RTI's and infertility. Our programs want to address the aforementioned problems by providing high quality health services supplemented with health education. We want to empower women with education, so they can have a healthier life. We also want this education to begin young, so that a healthy life course approach is adopted early in order to be better maintained throughout the different stages of life and health. In light of this, the adolescent program, which was piloted in 2013, has been a major success. The community feedback has been positive and we are leaving adolescents with knowledge that will shape their attitudes and lead to healthier behaviors. These tools will make the new generation healthier, their families and communities healthier.
Our goals are to decrease fertility rates, decrease the number of unwanted pregnancies, increase the rates of contraceptive use and decrease the rates of complications due to early child birth and poorly spaced pregnancies. We can accomplish this by providing access to safe and effective family planning and other reproductive and general health services. Through these activities, we will empower women with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and we will empower men to support women in making these decisions.